WAIT House response to COVID-19

At WAIT House the health and safety of our residents and staff are of great concern. We are closely monitoring the local impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and have implemented the recommendations of the CDC in addition to our federal, state and local officials and other community partners.

As a result, WAIT House is NOT allowing visitors at this time.

WAIT House serves one of the most vulnerable populations so our doors will remain open for youth and young adults who are experiencing homelessness.

Currently, we are taking proactive steps to implement additional health and safety measures in our shelters to best prevent the spread of COVID-19 which includes screening all residents and educating them on how to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.

WAIT House is committed to the health and safety of our community and will continue to make every effort possible to continue programs and services. 

WAIT House Program Status

Below is a list of WAIT House Programs and changes made to each as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.  All changes have been made after careful deliberation and under the guidance of state and federal guidelines concerning operations during the current health crisis.

If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to call us at (518) 798-4384.

Crisis Service Program

Please call for intake and availability. Effective 3/10/20, there are screening protocols in place when a youth contacts us to make a referral to the Shelter.  The screening questions will determine if the youth has been sick, exposed to someone who has been sick, or traveled to an area that is considered high risk of exposure to COVID-19.  These screening questions were developed with the assistance of  our state and local officials.  We will not be accepting referrals for respite services at this time. 

Transitional Living Program

Program is currently full.  Please call for referral and/or availability update.

Aftercare Assistance

Open for phone intakes call 518-798-4384 for crisis advice, referral and rental assistance. Walk-in appointments discouraged.

Street Outreach & Safe Harbour

Programs will continue, but with adjusted services.   Our focus will be on case management services, rather than street shifts. Please call the shelter at  518-798-4384 for assistance.